Nurture your creative flair and build core skills as a music business entrepreneur in this exciting and growing industry.
With BA (Hons) Music Business, you’ll have opportunities to expand your knowledge of the industry across a wide range of subject areas. You will develop an understanding of a broader business context, too, focusing on planning and forecasting, financing, creativity and digital marketing.
Our well-connected lecturers will guide and mentor your professional development. They’ll support you in your project management and business skills across areas such as artist management, self-employment, traditional and digital marketing, music publishing, copyright legislation, social media, the live industry, music recording and distribution.
As your course progresses, you’ll have the flexibility to choose options. These options give you the chance to specialise in your unique area of interest as professional practitioners.
You’ll also be able to experience the music business through your chosen city’s gigs, musicians and venues and by automatically joining our inspiring BIMM community.
You can gain ‘hands-on’ industry knowledge via our work experience opportunities with a wide range of music-focused employers that you won’t find anywhere else.
Alternatively, we’ll wholeheartedly support you in entrepreneurial ventures of your own design.
So, what are you waiting for? Start your career in Music Business today.
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