This cutting-edge, industry-led course provides you with the opportunity to acquire the fundamental skills and techniques required for a sustainable career in the film and creative industries.
All students will leave with a professional showreel, which will serve as a calling card for your skills. You’ll also gain an understanding of how to navigate the film industry which will support the technical and creative film craft skills you will acquire.
Film production is continuously evolving and we are constantly adapting to support the industry’s demands. The course’s intensive curriculum will challenge you to develop your skills and will prepare you for the production world of today. You will gain experience shooting your projects on the newest developments in HD, film and digital equipment – from Canon 6D to Red Raven – as well as other high-end cameras such as the Arri Alexa or Kine finity TERRA 4K.
Filmmaking students at BIMM University Berlin
The BA (Hons) Filmmaking degree introduces you to a variety of film genres and styles and covers the principal creative and technical skills and roles that are found in the film industry including screenwriting, directing, cinematography, producing, production sound mixing, editing, lighting/ gaffer, continuity/script supervision and production management.
As you move through the course, you will be able to specialise in a film form through a range of optional modules offered in the second year including narrative shorts, documentary, experimental film or feature film screenwriting.
The development of your practical film production skills is supported by a film theory strand which provides you with a critical understanding of applied film theory and ensures that you will enter the film industry as an informed practitioner.
Throughout your time at the Screen and Film Faculty industry engagement is embedded into your chosen degree course. Freelance opportunities, internships and work experience will be offered with our range of industry partners so you can put your film craft skills into practice.
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