Explore your creativity and develop an in-depth knowledge of your art and the industry with our BMus (Hons) Songwriting course. You’ll learn all about this music industry cornerstone. You’ll focus on areas such as lyricism and aesthetics, creating music with technology, and music publishing.
Working with a diverse range of talented artists to bring your aesthetic, academic and industry goals to life will be at the heart of the course. Day-to-day interaction and collaboration with fellow songwriters, performers, producers and business and events students will help you gain invaluable real-world experience.
As well as being surrounded by this creative and vibrant atmosphere, you’ll have access to our state-of-the-art facilities. Each day, you’ll learn within large live rooms, recording suites and seminar-based classrooms.
From day one, you’ll be encouraged to form your personal stylistic development through a range of disciplines: from solo and group performances to commercial songwriting and music production for film, television and online channels. As the course progresses, you’ll be able to choose options that best suit your interests and career aspirations. These options will help shape you to become a multi-skilled music professional valued in today’s industry.
Highly experienced lecturers currently active in the industry will guide you through the core topics. These include styles and genres, songwriting techniques, musicianship, music publishing, events and releasing and Digital Audio Workstations (DAW) technology. You’ll also get to attend unique and inspiring Masterclasses with some of the best artists in the world, which will stretch you as a songwriter.
So, what are you waiting for? Start your career in Songwriting today.
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